How to market and grow a roofing company

For every business there inevitably comes a time when organic growth eventually slows or dries up all together. When this happens, the business owner is required to actively fund future business growth. This can happen by purchasing a competing business or expanding the products or services the business offers.

However, before going down such drastic roads with your roofing company, your business may be much better off by first exploring the marketing strategies that can help you get clients for your roofing business.

So, here are a selection of carefully considered roofing marketing strategies and activities that you can use to design and roll out your own roofing company marketing plan. As you introduce these strategic marketing activities into the market you will increase your chances of getting clients for your roofing business.

1. Truly know your customer

How well do you know your core customer types? Do you have a vague idea? Or have you clearly defined your target audience and gained a crystal clear understanding of their motivations, frustrations, and goals?

If you truly want to know your key customers inside out so you can better help solve their challenges, it may be worth developing marketing personas for each of your core customer types. A marketing persona, also known as a buyer persona, is an accurate sketch of your core customers. They are effective because they can help you to better understand the most effective ways to communicate, connect, and engage with your target audience. Without marketing personas, your marketing may be a little hit and miss, because it is based on assumptions of what your audience wants from you that may not be entirely accurate.

And while we are on the topic of roofing company marketing and knowing your customers, remember that when it comes to customers there are maximisers and satisfiers. Maximisers want the critical information that will empower them to compare and evaluate all the options so they can make informed purchases. They won’t be rushed into making a purchase. Satisfiers, on the other hand, are focused saving time and will prioritise finding the best deal in the shortest amount of time.

2. Maximise your company’s online presence

In 2022, most businesses have a website to promote their products and services. But simply having a company website for your roofing business may not be enough if it is seen as only offering the bare minimum value to those who are seeking a roofer. It’s important that your roofing company’s online presence doesn’t fee like a token gesture.

Instead, make it an enticing destination that offers true and tangible value to your audience. One way to do just that is through content marketing, which will help you attract, engage, and retain an audience by providing truly relevant and useful information. To increase the chances of your roofing company website being engaging to your potential customers who visit it, ensure that it:

  • offers an intuitive user experience so it is easy to navigate;
  • consistently provides useful content that helps customers overcome their challenges;
  • clearly explains each of the roofing products and services your company offers and the geographical area you service; and
  • makes it easy for users to contact you.

While on the topic of your company website, it’s also important that your website is optimised for SEO, including local SEO, which will help improve your search ranking in the geographical area you service.

3. Email marketing

When you start a roofing business and your company website is up and running you can also invest in email marketing to your database, which will help drive traffic to your website and help keep you top of mind with your customers. The great thing about email marketing is that you are not just waiting for prospects to land on your company website of their own accord. Instead, you are reaching them where they are already browsing – i.e., in their email inbox.

A great tip for roofers when considering email marketing is to start with a simple monthly e-newsletter, in which you provide business updates such as new services you’ve introduced, key wins your business has enjoyed, as well as roofing tips and tricks that will benefit your audience (such as tips for cleaning your roof), and promotional offers you may be running.

4. Exhibit at building and home expos and events

A novel way to market your roofing business is by attending the major home and building trade events that happen annually in Australia’s capital cities. These events can be a key marketing investment for roofers because they provide countless opportunities to connect with homeowners and suppliers directly and build valuable leads

Whether you invest in booking a stand at a home and building trade show, or simply attend and do the rounds as a spectator, it can be a great way to make new connections and grow the profile of your roofing business. However, come with a strategy so you maximise your time. Have a plan for who you want to get face time with, and ensure you bring plenty of business cards and some marketing materials.

As a busy roofing business owner, you are constantly on the move from one job site to the next. However, as a small business owner it’s important to take care of business ownership essentials such as business insurance*, including Public Liability insurance and roofer insurance. Get your business insurance sorted quickly and easily online or by calling us on us on 1300 920 864.

This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording.
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