5 creative marketing ideas for roofers

Organic business growth can be a great thing for a roofing business. However, no matter the size or reach of your roofing small business, sooner or later the time could come when your organic growth may slow. It’s then that investing in marketing for your roofing small business is worth considering to help you to continue to reach new customers and grow your roofing small business.

While you may not think your roofing business is in need of marketing, you may just be surprised by how quick your business may grow when supported by strategically considered marketing activities. Indeed, as your business matures marketing can become as essential to the longevity of your business as roofing business insurance.

So, let’s take a look at five marketing activities that can help you to get customers for your roofing business.

Five roofer marketing activities to grow your roofing small business

1. Embrace email marketing

Email is an essential channel for communicating with your customers on their terms and where they are already browsing. It’s also one of the most popular forms of marketing communication for small business owners, which means it’s something you may consider introducing to your roofing business.

While not every person on your marketing emailing list will open all email communication you send them, some will, especially if your email marketing is engaging and adds value to your target audience.

Email marketing gives you the opportunity to build trust with your customer database by providing helpful tips, discounts, trends, content marketing, and industry updates. In your email marketing, include information about new products or services your roofing business has introduced, as well as any other company announcements or news that your email subscribers may benefit from receiving.

Recommended reading: 8 Benefits of Online Marketing

If you’re not doing it already, ask for the email address of every prospective customer you engage with, so you can send them an email inviting them to opt into receiving email communications from your roofing business. You may start by sending a monthly marketing email to your database. From there, you can measure the results, and adjust your roofer marketing activities as needed and see how your results change.

2. Review your company website

To help make your company website easier to find for individuals and businesses looking for roofing experts in your area, it’s important that you optimise your company website for local SEO (search engine optimisation). SEO helps search engines such as Google make your roofing company website easier to find for anyone who is searching online for a roofing professional in their area.

You may choose to work with a digital marketing agency or an SEO specialist to help ensure that your investment in SEO pays dividends for your business, or you may want to do it yourself. Remember that your company website will often be the first noteworthy interaction that potential customers will have with your business. First impressions count, so aim high and impress prospects with your company website, perhaps by showing of some of your cutting-edge roofing business ideas and designs.

3. Set up a referral program

Popular public opinion can be a powerful thing, and even more so in today’s digital communication-led world due to how easy it is for opinions to be shared online and via social media.

As a small business owner, you can turn this to your advantage by implementing a referral program for your roofing business. It may be as basic as asking happy customers for testimonials or reviews and obtaining their permission to publish their feedback on your company website, in your company’s email communications, and on your company’s social media accounts.

If you can, remember to ask for their permission to publish their actual names (first and last names), as doing so will lend additional credibility to your roofing business.

4. Manage your online reviews

Negative reviews online about your roofing business can be incredibly frustrating. That said, individuals and other businesses who have never done business with your roofing company before will very likely look for reviews of your business online before they contact you directly. A negative review could make them contact a competitor instead of contacting you. It means that you may lose new business before you even had a realistic chance of winning it.

That notwithstanding, customers still care about and read reviews, and they will read them before choosing to do business with you, or to take their business elsewhere. A great way to manage online reviews for your roofing business is to claim your Google My Business page, which will enable you to reply to consumer reviews on Google.

If you choose to do so when time permits, respond thoughtfully to all customer reviews of your business, acknowledging their concerns and offering to follow up and set things right if needed.

Get your business listed in online trade directories

Just as SEO makes it easier for potential customers to find your roofing company’s website, having your roofing business listed in popular online trade directories can help raise awareness of your roofing services for those who are looking for a roofing business. This includes listing your roofing business on popular online trade directories such as Hipages, Tradie Centre, and even on Airtasker.

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This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording.
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