Concrete pumping safety tips: Do’s and don’ts

Concrete pumping can be hazardous if you don’t plan and prepare adequately to manage the associated risks. So let’s dive into the do’s and don’ts of concrete pumping, all of which can help you, your team, and your business avoid accidents and worst-case scenarios on concrete pumping jobs.

Top concrete pump work safety tips

This article will equip you with practical tips about the safe operation and maintenance of concrete pumping equipment, the environment this equipment is used in, and how concrete pumping insurance* can reduce your exposure to risk.

When working with concrete pumping, you may be exposed to harmful substances and materials such as asbestos, lead, solvents, paints, cement, and silica dust.

As such, there are important safety steps that are recommended to be followed when working in concrete pumping, as follows.

Keep up to date with workplace health and safety training

Having a strategy for preventing concreting pumping injury is important, so be sure to check the latest safety regulations before you start a project that involves a concrete machine. Make sure your team is properly trained and certified to operate concrete pumps. They should also be aware of the concrete pump’s hazards and safety.

The do’s: How to work safely with a concrete pump

You and your crew will benefit from knowing and applying the do’s and don’ts of working with a concrete pump to prevent damages, injuries, and potential death. In addition to having a thorough understanding of Safe Work Australia’s Guide To Managing Risk in Construction: Concrete pumping, proper training, planning, and safe work practices are the best ways to prevent accidental injuries when working with a concrete pump on your work site. This means:

  • Asking for a certified operator if you have rented a concrete pump.
  • Always being vigilant about keeping up to date with concrete pump safety regulations.
  • Understanding the standard hand signals for effective communication when working with a concrete pump.
  • Making sure that your concrete pump is placed in a safe location away from power lines, loose dirt, and degree.
  • Handling all equipment according to the safety instructions set out by the manufacturer.
  • Wearing safety equipment such as goggles, ear protection and long sleeves.
    Use trained and certified operators.
  • Safety straps should be checked for wear and used on the tip hose and hanging attachments.
  • Prepare the ground properly using outrigger pads.
  • Operators should always wear the appropriate protective gear.
  • Only use boom equipment that is working correctly and has had updated inspections.
  • To prevent concreting pumping injury, remove all personnel from the area when air is entering the placement system.

The don’ts: How to invite risk when working with a concrete pump

  • Handling concrete pumping equipment without having completed the required training.
  • Using the boom as a crane.
  • Operating a concrete pump in the dark without sufficient lighting.
  • Standing in front of the hose end of the pump.
  • Using a concrete pump that has not been properly inspected or approved for use on site.
  • Climbing the machine or boom to clear clogged lines; never use a boom to replace the job of a crane.
  • Don’t open a coupling when it is pressurised.
  • Never climb on hydraulic systems for the purpose of cleaning clogged lines.
  • Don’t stand in front of the discharge end of cement pipeline.
  • Avoid handling clogged hoses that are under pressure.
  • Don’t operate or set up a concrete pump when it is dark.
  • Make sure there are no workers near a discharge hose while it’s being primed. This can be a major hazard for concrete pumping.

Remember, when working with concrete pumps, proper training, planning, and adhering to safe work practices are some of the most effective ways to prevent concreting pumping injuries and promote concrete pump work safety.

Invest in concrete pumping insurance and reduce your exposure to risk

BizCover can help protect your get your concrete pumping business started on the right foot by reducing your exposure to business risks.  In fact, more than 200,000 Australian small business owners trust their business to BizCover.

Call BizCover on 1300 920 868 to get concrete pumping insurance coverage in just 10 minutes and get back to doing what you best.

This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording.
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