Business Ideas More Productivity

Process vs. Progress: How to Have Each for a Healthy Growth

Written by Alex Norwood

Hopefully, this article will make your life easier and will help you to understand that both of the concepts are useful when developing a business. The trick is how to assimilate process and progress into a functional and efficient way when starting up your business. One thing is for sure: they are both necessary, and with the right approach you will find out how to keep them in balance. Don’t panic if you did not find the miraculous combination yet, seize the moment, get a cup of coffee and get started!

Know the Difference

Process vs. Progress… After a quick online search you may feel even more confused! And you will find out that many people have wondered what the difference is between these two concepts and their meanings, looking for some clarity when it comes to applying the concepts to their business.

Numerous business dictionaries are actually stating that there is no difference between the terms and that interchanging them is common practice. Still, it’s a known-fact that process is the enemy of progress, something that every business administrator or founder has crossed paths with.

A good business process is needed to structure your objectives. The immediate benefits of a process-oriented activity include better customer responses and satisfaction as well as an improved reaction to market changes. The challenge is to understand and overcome too much attention awarded to process and grasp the moment that takes you to progress.

Going Off Process

For a business in its early stages, there is a need for process to get things going but sometimes this mechanism is slowing things down when they really should be moving forward.

Identifying the moment when you need to go off process is crucial. Fixing issues that are commonly encountered are considered process-related matters that need to be fixed. Many of these situations are even more intricate as you try to solve them and can result in finding yourself lost in your business process.

That is the moment when you need to go off process. Stop setting excessive meetings, conducting daily checks on your teams and learn to cut back on time spent on unnecessary activities. Being small has numerous advantages and flexibility is one of them. It is easier to organise communication and tasks more effectively, in an informal but constructive manner.

Keep Process in Check

Keeping in process balance and preventing chaos is just as important as knowing your objectives.

Pushing forward and losing sight of your business’ the core measurements is like running a marathon towards the finishing line without considering your heart and breathing rate only to collapse before getting there.

Good process requires both periodical and methodical progress checks. This is a race where you constantly need to guide your team on when to take off, what path to take and just as equally important when to stop. During process implementation, let your team know what they are building, why they are building it and how important is for each of them to understand their role.

Use Effective Favouring Progress Programs

Taking advantage of the present technology and progress related programs is a handy tool to use. Big companies, like Google who first started to use an objective and key results tool back in 1999.

Others use scrum master tools or agile to help guide their business progress check. The important thing to understand is the importance of adaptability and to be open to innovation. Progress checking programs make results quantifiable and more importantly, challenges employees to deliver results.

Outlining in-process company goals to each employee is also necessary to help move a group towards the desired results. Spicing up progress with a healthy process is possibly the key to a naturally balanced business. You might also like to keep everyone up to date by sharing achieved goals as well as mistakes in a weekly meeting so everybody is on the same page.

Growing Up Just Fine

Every start-up business achieves naturally spontaneous progress but as it grows, it remains essential to keep building up a process that will keep your progress humming. Learning from your mistakes is always basic motivation for any healthy future development, as well as adapting to your business market requirements.

The balance between progress results and process costs must also be checked all along.  It does not matter what your size is now, think big from the beginning monitoring your goals to process as you grow.


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About the author

Alex Norwood

Alex Norwood is a good experience writer, blogger, entrepreneur and social media promoter. He works closely with customers to determine their future growth needs, and identify gaps in their current processes that prevent that dream from becoming a reality. He believes in success only through hard work & dedication.