
How Your Business Can Grow With YouTube

Written by Michael Zhou

Every day, YouTube users watch over a billion videos. Nevertheless, the number of businesses that have their own YouTube channel is around 10%. 

The popularity of YouTube and video content continues to grow, which is why small businesses should take advantage of this platform as soon as possible. 

In this article, we will explain what videos attract customers, how to showcase your brand, and how to reach your target audience. 

How a YouTube channel can help you promote your business  

YouTube for business is an organic video service. Through this format, you can inform customers about the product or service you offer, your company values, and start to build trust. 

Simply put, any YouTube project can increase the likelihood of converting a viewer into a buyer. In addition, you can collect search traffic from Google or YouTube itself. 

It’s easy to create a YouTube channel, but before you dive in, you should understand why you need it and how it can help you promote your business. The 3 most important things are: 

  1. Increased popularity and visibility. Considering that there are billions of people who visit Youtube at any given time, if you manage your channel properly, your videos can reach a large audience.  
  1. Increase traffic and conversions. After gaining interest in your business through Youtube, users will start to go from the channel to the site. And you have a real chance that they will buy your products or services. 
  1. Loyalty growth. A channel on Youtube provides the possibility of live communication with people – they can leave their comments and opinions, ask any questions, or voice their concerns and suggestions. Your answers, clarifications, and consideration of users’ opinions will increase their trust in your business greatly.   

But for a channel on Youtube to effectively contribute to business development, it has to be optimised and carefully managed. All the information provided should be relevant to your audience, and the videos should be interesting and of high quality.  

What affects a business’s success on YouTube? 

  • Relevance of the topic. The choice of video topics should be engaging. The more interesting the content, the longer an audience will watch your videos, and the more subscribers you will gain. 
  • Video quality. It’s not always about having expensive equipment or fancy locations. To attract viewers to the channel, you can simply shoot the content on your phone and edit it professionally with free video editing software like Freemake and Movavi software, or with Adobe Premiere. The main thing is to make sure that the video doesn’t have technical defects such as sound distortions, echoes or unfocused images. Sometimes the sound quality is even more important than the picture, because many people play videos in the background. 
  • SEO optimisation. This refers to the keywords that viewers use when searching for videos. On YouTube, they are called tags and need to be correctly selected when uploading material. This is the easiest way to promote your business for free.  Although some marketing teams may believe that the selection of tags doesn’t guarantee video success, it’s still better to play it safe and spend 10 minutes analysing SEO keywords, than to write tags at random or not write them at all. 
  • The number of ads integrated. It is generally said that the bigger the audience a channel has, the more money per view it will receive from ads. However, this can be misleading. It’s impossible to predict income: one day, YouTube can show ads to 999 out of 1000 viewers, the next day – to no one. It all depends on the offers of advertisers, the video topic, the paying capacity of the audience, and many other factors. 
  • The quality of monetisation. If your videos meet YouTube’s monetisation rules, it can display ads. Many advertisers monitor the reputation of channels, as they don’t want their ads to appear in dubious videos. Certain topics will limit or disable monetisation, so be sure to check YouTube’s guidelines.  

What types of videos can your business post? 

  • Demonstration videos. Show users how their problems can be solved with the help of your products or services, by demonstrating how your product or service works.  
  • Video blogs. By keeping a video blog on Youtube, in which you can present the latest news relevant to your business, you will attract an audience interested in your offers. 
  • Interviews. Promotion can be facilitated by interviews posted on Youtube about your business with well-known specialists in this field, partners, or employees. 
  • Customer reviews. Video reviews from satisfied customers will help you to inspire trust and confidence. 
  • Selling videos. This is a short video encouraging users to take action – buy, call, visit your website and more. 

YouTube for business: top tips 

  • Before creating a channel, you need to create a YouTube strategy. Think about how you will make the videos, when they should be published, and who you want to see them. 
  • Analyse current videos and trends on YouTube to gain an idea of the market. 
  • On YouTube, sincerity and honesty are valued first and foremost. If your videos are inconsistent or contain contradictions, your audience will quickly lose interest. 
  • It’s important to remember that there is no magic button to boost your business – track YouTube analytics, evaluate the effectiveness of your channel and look for what can be improved. 


To promote your business on Youtube and to keep viewers interested, be sure to use different video formats and post new content regularly.  

Each video should not only be educational, but also entertaining. Remember that videos of higher quality will lead to popularity.  

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to hire a professional video editor. 

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About the author

Michael Zhou

Senior VP of Business Intelligence Development, Michael has assisted the many Fortune 500 companies with expertise in the web as a whole, including ground-zero marketing efforts that benefit both consumer and vendor. He is also working with iCustomlabel. He's a thinker, communicator, marketer, competitor, people person, and all-around busy bee.