Business Ideas Entrepreneurship Insights

How to balance work and life during the holiday season

Written by Glen Foreman

The holiday season is a wonderful time of the year, but it can also be a stressful for small business owners. You may have to deal with increased demand, tight deadlines, staff shortages, and customer expectations, while also trying to enjoy some quality time with your family and friends.

So, how can you balance your work and life during this busy period, without compromising your mental health and wellbeing? Well, the team from Story of My Life Journal is here to share some tips and insights on how to achieve a healthy work-life balance during the holiday season. These tips are based on research and best practices in the field of positive psychology and personal development.

How to set boundaries and priorities for work and life

One of the key steps to balancing your work and life during the holiday season is to set clear boundaries and priorities for both domains. This means defining and communicating what you can and cannot do, what you need and expect, and what you value and enjoy. Here are some handy tips and examples.

#1: Set realistic expectations for yourself and others

Don’t try to do everything, please everyone, or be perfect. Recognise your limits and capabilities and be honest about them. For example, you can tell your customers that you have limited stock or a longer delivery time, and that you appreciate their patience and understanding.

#2: Delegate tasks and responsibilities to others

You don’t have to do everything by yourself. You can ask for help from your staff, family, friends, or fellow professionals. For example, you can hire a temporary assistant, outsource some tasks, or communicate with your family where your energy and time is required and request their support outside of those areas, such as household chores.

#3: Say no to things that are not important or urgent

You have the right to decline requests or invitations that are not aligned with your goals, values, or preferences. For example, you can say no to a non-essential meeting, a social event that you don’t enjoy, or a project that you don’t have time for.

#4: Have a schedule – and stick to it

You can use a calendar, a planner, or an app to plan your work and personal activities and allocate a specific amount of time for each. For example, you can block out some hours for work, some hours for family, and some hours for yourself. You can also set reminders and notifications to help you stay on track.

One of the tools that can help you set boundaries and priorities for your work and life is a guided journal that provides you with prompts, questions, and exercises that help you reflect on your past, present, and future.

This can help you to identify and clarify your goals, values, and passions, and create a realistic and meaningful plan for your work and life. It also helps you to monitor and adjust your plan as needed, and celebrate your progress and achievements.

#5: They are trained to efficiently handle incidents

Guards are equipped to respond quickly to any criminal activities that may happen in retail stores, such as detaining suspects and contacting the police. They are also trained to administer first aid if needed.

How to manage stress and avoid burnout

Another essential step to balancing your work and life during the holiday season is to manage your stress and avoid burnout. This means coping with the pressure and challenges that you face, and preventing them from affecting your physical, mental, and emotional health. Here are some simple tips and examples for how to do that.

Take breaks and rest

You need to recharge your energy and refresh your mind, especially when you are working hard or facing difficulties. Take short breaks throughout the day, such as stretching, breathing, or meditating, and longer breaks on a regular basis, such as taking a day off work, going on a vacation, or having a spa day.

Practice self-care and wellness

You need to take care of your body and mind and nourish them with healthy and positive habits. You can practice self-care and wellness by eating well, sleeping well, exercising regularly, drinking water, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and doing things that make you happy and relaxed, such as reading, listening to music, or gardening.

Seek support and feedback

You don’t have to deal with your stress and challenges alone. You can seek support and feedback from your staff, family, friends, mentors, coaches, or therapists. You can share your feelings, thoughts, and experiences, ask for advice, and receive encouragement, praise, or constructive criticism in return.

Celebrate your achievements and progress

You need to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts and results and reward yourself for them. You can celebrate your achievements and progress by recognising and documenting them, expressing gratitude and pride, and giving yourself a treat, such as buying something, eating something, or doing something you enjoy.

A key tool that can help you manage stress and avoid burnout is a planner that helps you to organise and manage your time and tasks and track your achievements and progress on a weekly basis. This helps to prioritise and schedule your work and personal activities and allocate a specific amount of time for each. It also helps you set and review your goals, measure, and record your outcomes, and reflect and improve your performance.

How to enjoy and appreciate the holiday season

The final step to balancing your work and life during the holiday season is to enjoy and appreciate the holiday season. This means making the most of the opportunities and experiences that this special time of the year offers and creating lasting memories and connections with yourself and others. Here are some tips and examples for how to do just that

Spend quality time with your loved ones

You have many people who care about you, and who you care about, such as your spouse, your children, your parents, your siblings, your relatives, and your friends. You can spend quality time with them by having meaningful conversations, playing games, watching movies, or doing activities together.

Have fun and enjoy yourself

You have many things that bring you joy and pleasure, such as your hobbies, your interests, your passions, and your dreams. You can have fun and enjoy yourself by doing things that you love, trying new things, exploring new places, or learning new skills.

Reflect on your growth and development

You have many things that you have learned and achieved, such as your skills, your knowledge, your insights, and your accomplishments. You can reflect on your growth and development by reviewing your journal, your planner, your portfolio, or your resume.

One tool that can help you enjoy and appreciate the holiday season is a gratitude journal that helps you cultivate a positive mindset and attitude by focusing on the good things in your life.

This can help you express and record your gratitude and appreciation for the people, things, and events that make you happy and fulfilled. It can also help you enhance your mood, boost your confidence, and improve your relationships.

Balancing your work and life during the holiday season is not easy, but it is possible – and beneficial.  By setting boundaries and priorities, managing stress and avoiding burnout, and enjoying and appreciating the holiday season, you can achieve a healthy work-life balance that can enhance your wellbeing, productivity, and happiness.

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About the author

Glen Foreman

Glen Foreman is an award-winning journalist who now works in communications, but his real passion is in supporting people in becoming who they want to be. He founded boutique publishing company FFPress to self-publish his late father’s biography, which became a bestseller in Australia, before developing and printing Story of My Life Journal, a 12-month evidence-based daily journaling system designed to support people in living their best life – from work to home, and all stops in between. Story of My Life Journal’s mission is to support and promote positive mental health and wellbeing by providing accessible insights, tools, resources, and products that help people better understand who they are, where they want to go, and how they’ll get there.