Digital Marketing

What does it take to become a digital marketer in 2022?

Written by Eddie Lee

In just five years, many of the jobs we have today will likely be replaced by entirely new positions.The job of a digital marketer has already evolved significantly in the past decade, and it shows no signs of slowing down in the next five years.

 What does it take to become a digital marketer in 2022? Read on to find out. 

Why Should You Learn Digital Marketing Skills  

In today’s competitive world, knowledge and proficiency help ensure success. The key to success is building skills that give you deeper insight into your field.

To become a Digital Marketer in 2022, it may be necessary to learn things like coding languages, design tools and social media marketing tactics. New platforms and technologies are added almost every day. You don’t have to be an expert, but having a basic understanding about all the strategies available will help you stand out from the crowd.

You may also need to develop some soft skills, like how to present yourself professionally, how to deal with different types of clients or how to handle stress. These all play an important role when it comes to being successful in the workplace. 

How To Set Goals For a Digital Marketing Career

To become a digital marketer, you’ll first need to know what your goals are. You may wish to take some time off work so that you can focus on yourself and truly figure out where you want your career to go.

Since there are so many different aspects of being a successful digital marketer, deciding on your focus will make things much easier in the long run. Maybe you want more creative control over projects. Maybe you want additional mentorship or leadership opportunities at work. Maybe you just want more money! No matter what your goals are, making them clear will help you focus on them and make sure that they become reality.

Once you’ve decided on your goals, think about how many hours per week of work it will take to achieve them. Make sure that your goal is realistic and that it doesn’t require too much time away from your family or other activities that are important to you.

Once again, be as specific as possible with regards to time so that you can have a better idea of how long achieving these goals will take.

Ways To Create Your Digital Marketing Business Strategies 

One way is to expand your business into different platforms. Having digital marketing experts who can work with each of your platforms is essential to creating multiple successful digital marketing strategies.

A company may create one or two strategies for SEO and PPC, but it also must expand into other areas like social media or email marketing to make sure they are truly maximising all of its digital marketing opportunities.

Similarly, digital marketers should consider creating more ways to engage with users through video content or influencer campaigns. Video platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Facebook are all great tools that marketers should be utilising. 

Work on your Communication Skills

To be successful in any field, you must understand how and why to communicate with others (whether they be colleagues or clients) effectively. This is true to become a digital marketing professional. As with any line of work, knowing how to convey ideas and information is extremely important. It’s particularly vital in digital marketing because there are often many moving parts in each project. 

While being able to understand jargon is good practice for anyone working in business, having proficiency with acronyms and marketing-specific language will help set you apart from other professionals as your career progresses. Consider familiarising yourself with such terms before embarking on your professional journey. For example, if you work in SEO (search engine optimization), knowing how to effectively communicate your ideas using keywords can be extremely helpful when communicating with clients. 

Knowing these terms can save you time by helping you avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications that could cause delays down the road. And if nothing else, learning how to speak tech-talk fluently will encourage people to think of you as a true industry expert—and what more could any digital marketing job seeker want?

Treat your Digital Marketing Career as a Business

When you’re just starting, it’s easy to be enthusiastic about your newfound career. That can fade as you start realising how hard it is to get ahead when competing with experienced professionals. That’s why treating your marketing career as a business is so important. 

You should have passion for what you do, but it is important to balance that with planning and discipline. Consider brainstorming a business plan or seeking advice from an industry expert before you begin your marketing journey.


It’s going to take a lot of hard work, dedication, and motivation to become a digital marketer in 2022. But if you love what you do and have an eye for detail along with great communication skills, it’s possible.

Don’t forget to stay up-to-date on your social media posts and don’t be afraid to reach out to those who are more experienced than you. They might be able to help!

You can become a digital marketer in 2022, you just have to believe in yourself.

“The opinions expressed by BizWitty Contributors are their own, not those of BizCover and should not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice. Please read our full disclaimer."

About the author

Eddie Lee

Eddie Lee works for Topnotch SEO based in New Zealand.