Technology Website Design

How to Build a Company Brand with Web Design

Written by Riya Sander

Web Design is a powerful tool for any modern company looking to develop a strong brand, and your website could be a vital asset in generating business opportunities. Does that seem like an overstatement? Read on to learn why it’s not.

If you’re doing business in the XXI century, you need to work hard at creating a solid online presence. You probably know that developing a strong brand is paramount to the success of your business, but do you realise how creating a proper website and establishing a social media presence is now a major part of developing your brand?

Building Your Company Brand With Web Design

Little more than a decade ago, developing a strong online presence was a side thought for many businesses; right now it’s an absolute requirement. For many potential clients, your website will provide the initial impression they will rely on to decide if they want to do business with you. As such, in modern times you need to put as much energy into creating your website as in creating your physical storefront. First impressions play a chief part in catching the attention of clients!

This is why you need to think of your website as a cornerstone of your brand development efforts, and web design is the art and science of developing a website that not only looks good but also delivers a solid user experience.

Would you like to know how your website can be a powerful ally in establishing brand awareness? Read on.

How Your Website Helps Establishing Brand Awareness

There is a simple reason why your business website is a major tool to create brand awareness, and it’s related to the habits of contemporary consumers. Nowadays, most people are more likely to learn about new brands while browsing the Internet than through traditional channels, because the information moves faster and is more accessible online.

Think about it: when walking casually down the street for one hour, you’re naturally exposed to hundreds or even thousands of brands. But there are only so many steps you can take in one hour, and there is only so much room for brand exposure available in that physical area you can cover while moving around physically. Now think about what happens when you spend one hour casually browsing the Internet. Since each click of the mouse involves a fraction of the effort compared to taking a step, and since you can move around instantly within the unlimited realms of cyberspace… you simply get to see much more in less time, with less effort involved.

In a nutshell, that is why modern consumers invariably learn about many brands while browsing the Internet: because people are increasingly spending more time sitting in front of an Internet-enabled computing device, and because information density is higher compared to the physical world.

Let’s now see how you can use this trend to your advantage, by using your website design to leverage your brand building efforts.

Essential Considerations in Branding and Web Design

When potential clients browse your firm’s website, they naturally rely on this experience to draw judgements on your brand, whether they realise it or not. This analysis usually hinges on two aspects: how good everything looks and how well everything works. In the world of web design, these two aspects are referred to as User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX).

User Interface (UI) comprises everything related to the look of a website. This includes the actual website layout as well as all graphics, videos, banners, menus, navigation, social media buttons and all other visual elements that work together to shape up the actual website.

User Experience (UX) pertains all matters related to the experience people have while actually using your website. This includes aspects such as loading speed, how information is presented, how many clicks a user needs to find what they want, and similar considerations.

Both of these aspects work together to create brand awareness, in a similar way to how your dress choices and personality work together to let people know who you are.

Additional Ideas to Keep Developing Your Brand

Hopefully, by this point, you realise that your business website is just as important as your business attire and your business skills.

Your online presence IS the virtual manifestation of your brand, which means many clients will judge your business based on how your website looks and performs. A specialised web designer that knows about all the best practices and is familiar with the latest technologies will add tremendous value to your website, and thus to your business.

More and more people are relying on the Internet to find the products and services they want. In many cases, your website will be the one and only opportunity you have to catch the attention of your prospects, make them interested in your offerings, and spark their desire to buy your products and services.

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About the author

Riya Sander

Riya is an inspired writer, passionate about traveling, lifestyle and encouraging startups. She understands the importance of productivity at work and never stopped finding new ways to create her work productivity. At the moment, she writes for Orange Digital, a web design company in Brisbane and occasionally for Study Clerk. Connect with Riya on twitter, @sanderriya.