Entrepreneurship Productivity

6 Tips for Freelancers to be More Productive

Written by Sarah Smith

Freelancing has an endless number of benefits. Because of this, it’s no surprise that the number of freelancers is growing exponentially and is continuing this way. However, one of the biggest problems that freelancers face is work productivity.

When freelancing, we are faced with millions of distractions throughout the day. This is true for freelancers whether they work from home, while traveling or even at a coffee shop. So let’s explore 6 easy to apply tips to help you boost your productivity as a freelancer-no matter how enticing your distractions may be!

Tip 1: Get Dressed Each Morning

Although it’s tempting to stay in your pajamas all day long, getting dressed each morning helps you feel prepared and determined to tackle your workday. It’s even more beneficial if you opt to wear business inspired clothing, which can help to make you feel more professional. It also helps to signal your brain that it’s time to work when you put on your “uniform”.

Stephanie Vozza at Fast Company said that switching from yoga pants to workplace attire for a week helped her to maintain a professional perspective throughout her day, boosted her productivity levels, create boundaries between work and home life (even when they were one and the same), and even helped to provide others in the household with a visual reminder that she was in work-mode.

Tip 2: Keep Your Phone Out Of Reach

Did you know that each time you interact with your phone, it sends dopamine to your brain? This is a big time ‘no bueno’ when it comes to staying productive at work. Whether you’re watching a video of baby goats in pajamas, or sending messages and emails with a friend, nothing really good can come from keeping your phone nearby while you’re working.

There’s no need to turn off the ringer if you’re expecting an important call, but keeping your phone out of reach can simply do wonders for your productivity.

Tip 3: Stick to a Routine

Despite the fact that one of the most appealing aspects of working remotely is the ability to have a flexible schedule, but by being too flexible and open-ended with your schedule can spell disaster for your productivity levels. If you were to go to an office each day, you would likely have some sort of morning routine that you follow to start your day.

In the same way that getting dressed can help your productivity levels, so to can having a routine. Send an alarm, wake up at the same time each day, and plan your breaks and meal times to work around your work schedule. Use your flexible working schedule as a way to treat yourself, such as rewarding yourself with an unexpected day off here or there, rather than allowing the flexibility to lead you into temptation and destroy your productivity.

Tip 4: Set up Your Fitness Goal

Unless you’re already knee-deep in the workout scene, it may be news to you that working out actually helps to increase your productivity levels. According to the Journal of applied physiology, exercise increases your brain’s ability to produce brain cells that play a role in making you more intelligent and alert. You could hit a gym or join a bootcamp session for a great workout.

As a bonus, these same cells play a role in preventing serious diseases such as Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis.

Tip 5: Pass the Buck

If you work remotely as a freelancer, it may be time to start outsourcing some of your daily workload. While this may seem a bit costly at first, look at this step as a type of investment. Essentially what you’ll be paying for is more time. For example, if you operate a website and find yourself having to create a lot of content, you likely understand by now that content creation is extremely time-consuming. There are some places listed on Forbes and Remotely Working for small businesses to find freelance assistance and help.

Tip 6: Join Coworking Spaces for Freelancers

Lastly, but not least, according to business.com, a recent survey revealed that 74% of people who choose to work in a co-working space show higher levels of productivity. Not only can coworking spaces for freelancers be beneficial to your productivity levels, but they will also provide you with a chance to grow your business through networking and increasing your ability to innovate.

Many working spaces provide different types of amenities which you may find beneficial to your day. These amenities include things like onsite gyms, meditation rooms, free coffee, free snacks, free food sometimes, and some co-working spaces even throw parties for their members. Many co-working spaces will even provide you with a receptionist, mail handling services, and answering services.

When it comes to being more productive as a freelancer, there are a few simple things which you can start doing which are not only easy to start implementing but best of all free!

From actions like getting dressed in the morning in business-based attire to maintaining a distraction free work-space and keeping that smartphone away, you will notice positive changes to your daily freelance work with increased motivation and alertness, ultimately resulting in boosted productivity!

“The opinions expressed by BizWitty Contributors are their own, not those of BizCover and should not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice. Please read our full disclaimer."

About the author

Sarah Smith

Sarah is a small business owner, and is currently learning about marketing, using the internet. Aside from working on her own business, she likes to use social media, and read travel books. Find her on Twitter.