
5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Make the Grind Work for Them

Written by Evan Goodman

The daily grind is the great equaliser. Young or old, strong or weak – all eventually fall to the grind, and nothing has as much of a grind as running a small business. There are tons of daily minutiae to worry about, and if you don’t approach it the right way, it will wear you down. Here are a few ways you can turn the tables and make the grind work for you:

1. Stay Focused

Distractions are everywhere. Some are completely unrelated to your small business, while others are things that are related but are a complete waste of your time. Every task you take on that is best delegated to someone else is a task that eats your time and energy.

Focus on big important tasks that suit the leader of a small business. If it’s something small that someone else can do, let them do it. Unless absolutely necessary, stay focused on the big picture.

2. Constant Movement

The biggest advantage a small business has over large organisations is in its speed and flexibility. With few moving parts, you can pivot in a heartbeat relative to those ponderous beasts. Take advantage of that by focusing on constant movement.

You can’t afford to waste a day. Let the grind work for you by pushing for daily achievements, no matter how small. Every step forward is a step in the right direction. However, don’t forget to take breaks every now and then. Get the rest you need so the grind doesn’t lead to burning out.

3. Help the Team

You’re not alone in your small business. Alongside you is a team that you have handpicked, a team that will help your company scale and grow. Leaving them to their own devices can work, but it’s far from efficient or ideal. When you have the time, help your team become better at their jobs. Mentor them and make them capable. The better your employees are, the more easily you’ll be able to delegate tasks.

More importantly, no successful company came from an individual. It comes from having a strong and skilled team. The more you invest in them, the brighter your small business’s future becomes.

4. Study Constantly

Many times, the grind wins because you run out of options. Eventually, you get to a point where you need to take a break just so you can find out what to do next. Unfortunately, this can result in getting sent back mentally and emotionally. Don’t let yourself get to that point – study or learn constantly.
Don’t focus on just getting things done. Take some time to stay up to date with your industry by:

  • Reading about industry developments ( subscribe to newsletters, join groups, etc.)
  • Being involved with networking opportunities
  • Get a mentor or coach
  • Attend industry expos

Doing so will keep you from getting caught flatfooted and allow you to be proactive in the learning process.

5. Do Something Different

Nothing wears down your passion like doing the same thing repeatedly. It doesn’t matter how much you love your small business – if it feels like every day is the same, you’ll get tired of it. You may even grow to hate your company.

You can avoid this by doing something different every day. That doesn’t mean you have to replace your daily required tasks, only that you should add something new to your daily routine. Changing things up will keep your mind sharp and your passion healthy.

Even with all this, you may find the small business’s daily grind wearing you down. At that point, it may come down to your belief (faith) in yourself. You must have faith that what you’re doing is working, that it’s going to be worth it. If you don’t believe in your company, nothing will make the grind worth it.

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About the author

Evan Goodman

Over the past 30 years, Evan Goodman | Business Coach has founded numerous ‘start-ups’, built them into successful businesses and gone on to sell them. He has experienced and overcome most of the common challenges faced by business owners and leaders and understands the pressure and stresses that running a business can cause.

He also recognises the value and importance of getting sound advice and support when faced by these common challenges and of being prepared to openly discuss issues with a coach or mentor.

Since building up his last business into a national company, and selling it in 2009, Evan focusses on coaching SME business owners on how to become business leaders. He has a Masters of Business Coaching degree UOW; creating a unique blend of experience, expertise and coaching best practice for his clients.